Björn Geissler (Dipl. Designer FH)
Freelance Art Direction and Consulting
With over ten years of experience in design I offer professional service in: Corporate Design, Typography, Print + Web Design, Product Graphics, Image Editing, Design Consulting.
In addition I love cycling and spent a lot of time in bicycle design and techniques. I am a co-founder of "Stuttgart Fixed Gear" cycling community.
Freelance Art Direction and Consulting
With over ten years of experience in design I offer professional service in: Corporate Design, Typography, Print + Web Design, Product Graphics, Image Editing, Design Consulting.
In addition I love cycling and spent a lot of time in bicycle design and techniques. I am a co-founder of "Stuttgart Fixed Gear" cycling community.

Stil und Tanz aus Pariser Vorstädten – verdammt cool!
"Danse Electro", hier auch "Tecktonik" genannt – Tanz und Style auf Elektro-Basis aus Paris mit Einflüssen aus HipHop, Breakdance und Techno – Farben und Klamotten sind an die 80ies angelehnt – neon, Strech-Jeans und fantastische Sneakers – einfach cool...
Auch die französische Musikerin YELLE hat dies in ihr Musikvideo integriert, wie oben zu sehen...